Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The contrast

I was glancing at the road while going down in the lift, I saw a young lad (much younger than me), dressed in heavy smart casual, carrying a heavy partially worn out luggage bag, with two items in his hand.
He was a young sales man, working under scorching sun abiding to unfair obligation of the uniform, trying keep up the living.
Kept me thinking!
He must be holding a greater share of his family's income, making him a vital bread earner. Given the current market and employment conditions of sales force, his earnings would be on meager level.
Yet his commitment shown firm and rigid, he was glazing through the crowd towards the bus-stop or some place, where he could make a sale and meet his target and save his job and provide for his family.
May be his day get ends soon, but tomorrow will be whole another day, where the same agony, for him a life sustaining activity will be continued. it will not end there, for considerable time period of his life time, until he gives up and get promoted for a much forgiving position, this will continue.
Probably he will be responsible for his destiny, probably he did not give enough attention and thought to his work, education and life, even though other elements were provided to adequate level. Or probably, he did not receive any of this and he would probably glad of him self as he did not end up in streets.
Yet, great inspiration for the observer, my self of course, might not be a positive one but would probably be a sigh of relief in comparison to his current life situation.
I think, probably not about most rewarding, exciting things, yet it keeps my brain busy, just giving the leverage to just to live a day!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Striking out the balance and then failing.

Past will probably haunt you in present. May be demanding the what is due all time to be paid. Do not know who keeps the tab on actual settlement!!!, yet for a struggling individual, like me this is huge.
One may or may not done things which attracts certain categorization in terms of good or bad. May be one has done mostly good stuff and very few bad, or may be other way round. it is imperative that, we as normal people are with certain expectations that those deeds tend to realize in favorable gains and rewards and cherish. Yet it is not.
You may not sell heroine, does not involve in flesh trade or cheat the innocent out for capital gains, yet you suffer to the maximum sometimes.
You may have pawned you jewelries so that immediate expenses of your loved ones are met, but it ended up been a burden to you with sort of suffering.
This is more of an example that, life is not fair and equal opportunity. Yet, it is not totally explainable on matter of how it actually works. We have phrases and ethics to promote good behavior by the book, but little convincing in part of actual practicality.
You see many, drug loads, cheaters and murders roam freely and indulge in greater luxury on sweat and blood of victims thus no repercussion what so ever.
Is it the manner society, world works ? is there a evolutionary explanation attached where the cultural and acceptable social norms fails to address ? not a clue my friends!
Now what is now ? do turn rogue like "Breaking Bad" ? will that solve everything for you ? whom to guess and suggest ?
Are we on a evolutionary change shift that human cultural and social aspects tend for an overhaul change ?
I'm battling my self to get some answers as life is a battle for me. Its hard and reluctant to give me some piece of mind, where i get to crash with people, dues and stigmas and prevail good.
I just want to see the end of the tunnel, but it seems not appearing or am I failing to see it ???

Thursday, July 18, 2013

In control of your self !!!!

What is the end of achievement in this material world. Of course, we could done our selves with the achievement of  Nirvana, yet we will be fortunate enough to attain that, it is wise enough to be good with the life we are spending as much extent possible.
People comes to your life, stay variable length of time and go as modes of demise and non-demise. Some we fall in love, some to fall in pray, some just get ignored. Actually our lives revolves and moves with the interactions and communications we keep with the people around. We don't keep relation with others, it is quite freaky, if so.
We define our lives based on the quality and degree of relationships we keep with others, thus making them decide who you are. This is the actual reason for intimidation we possess on all of our actions. Will this be approved ? Do I look ok ? etc etc. This mumble jumble, gives good as well as the bad. 
It is spineless to say, I'm been controlled, but fact to the matter is we are, for every single way, unless you are in control of your self for most possible extent.

Now what ? we keep getting intimidated, controlled and make us do good and bad both. Now what ? seriously.

We need to choose the correct people and be with them.
Choose what do you like in which way, then choose the people, that is the best way to be in control your self! seriously!!!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

My self ...!

Now who was I? 
I was the son of a hardworking middle class teachers, whom whole life was planned on the success of their children.
I did my school well, attended the class well, never misused or missed any classes. Basically, none done out of ordinary and according to format asked for.
Now, where am I, what am I ?
Struggling with never ending list of needs and commitments, basically, a given 24 hours is somewhat overworking shift clubbed with disappointment of not meeting and receiving the required share end up, fall of short.
But i'm alive, yet to live day after another, do the best i can to the very extent.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Is enough is really enough ?

"Thanha", desire works in levels one could not predict at best given chances of chances.
You think at one level that all is been done and achieved to your expectations, yet the environment of your world changes, you reset your mind followed by your expectations and desires.

No wonder, Buddha's word on desire and its elimination, stands tall with eternal truth.

This feeling of un-comfort, grinds you and challenges you in levels and times which are quite difficult to handle. A mishandling little bit, would stumble you and would make you suffer.

Apart from eliminating the desire, what could be done ? nothing permanent yet handling them case and case and be positive about it way to go!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Then and now!

Changed seas, for my own good, with no vengeance. Outlook and demography is a lot different compared to my earlier stints, since i take time and effort to take on world and a living for my family. Fresh and constructive approach, keeps the upbeat of issueless and non-complicated life and life i can give to my family.
I hope i did not ask a lot or changed a lot, for not be old me and be new me. Old me, took a beating of a life time and took ample, unnecessary amount of time to realize he is getting beaten repeatedly. But you know something, nothing came bad, neither any much of good.
Learnt, learnt. you may think you have seen it, read it felt it. But it takes a real beating to figure out, how and what exactly be the feeling of the world to you and to your self only.
Life is a balance sheet, we expect to keep the assets and liabilities to notch that everything will stay intact and not falling apart.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Compromise, again!

Even though it is said and not so done, while been compromised, you pay a heavy price. 
Price could be in actual cash or more hurtfully, you conscience, stand and values. During here and there in your life, you have to forgo those, just to achieve, satisfy a third party or just to get the work done. All these for short term goals. one really forgoes his or her values or etc, a long term basis since it would transform the human to another.
Compromising on something rarely, will change a man.
But it hurts your gut, in big time, in the beginning. But later it resides, as you learn to live with it. As time passes, you tend to forget and almost forgotten.
Who am i kidding. Compromising is a part and parcel of every day life, you do it almost every hour, knowingly or not.
Should we worried ? unless it will make you to kill, steal or do any bad karma, no. let it go. 
You have to compromise, because you are lack of something may be for good or bad, but you do not have it.
Think of the sufferings, people of the world feel, without body parts, without food, water, cloths or housing. Compare your self with those, and let the rest go. Probable it will bring peace to your self.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Obligation to Balance of life

May be this is something we already know. But we take it for granted and does not use as an equation for balance of life.
Balance of Life α 1 / Obligations
Whenever there is a change in your obligations, it reacts inversely with respect to balance of your life.
It is also possible to limit the scope thus obligations and balance will lie within the scope.
Example; office life.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

got treated well or "got treates well" ?

we hurt people knowingly or not at different scales. most of the time we do not realise either we hurt someone or degree of hurt we cause
but we get a first hand experience when it is the time for us to take the beating.
it ls not easy to change society though it is the right thing, but more of the realistic approach is change your self and be resilient. adopt the change and embrace the change in your life. balance between what you want to be and what is expected. you are a winner and an achiever if the balance is made and you have made peace and comfortable with the balance.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Holidays and not Holidays

I mean we all experience, office days go snail but holidays on rockets.
Why why and why ?
Is the time really fly faster differently on week days and week ends ?
We all now time is constant and it is a unit stand equal what ever the day is.
So obviously it is us that making the time to act differently.
Consider the feeling i was highlighting earlier, now consider if we can switch our perception about weekends and week days. Would not be nice, as weekdays consists of whole five days, yet weekends just 2.
How awesome it would be ?!

Too much expectations!

Too much expectations of healthy!
As we struggle ourselves to pass the day with so much to achieve both the short and long term goals, we go up and down. even we achieve so much, we always left with the unaccomplished feeling, feeling  let down, your selves as well as others.
Just reading the news paper is quite enough to understand the plight of human breakdown from all corners. Report card of the society is not look good. There are severe fluctuations of emotions and actions, resulting in disastrous results to both to the family as well as society.
Lord Buddha, taught us to be satisfy with the less. Even Nirvana is supposed to be achieved through least possible manner rather waiting for the higher approach. if this is for Nirvana, what could possibly be for other necessities of life ?

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Days of our lives

Now there is a saying, where you  are dragged down a stream you will even hang on to a grass leaf for sake of your life
We do, specifically i did it and will do it in future just to get a breathing  space and a minute to forget things that makes you stress.
Is it good?PM gods will say no and request you to finish what you have started. But been the person you actually  do the work, instructions from people whom sole purpose is to dictate and tell others to do work, will nite make that much impact in following.
Yes we do take breaks and we would continue to do so, because you are not even biologically designed to do the same thing over and over again.
Our body needs  change, so our body thinks way cooler Thames our mind. Damn  you head!???!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Religion and Politics

Basis of religion is morality, purity and faith, at least it is meant to be. On the other hand politics is for power. Religion is often used to give legitimacy to those in power to prosper and continuity. Religion was used to justify wars and conquests, persecutions, atrocities, rebellions, destruction of works of art and culture and almost all means of destruction.
When religion is used to substitute to political mileages, whole quality of the religion and its expected high moral standards get faded. if not contained, it will become a political force.
The thrust of the Buddha Dhamma is not directed to the creation of new political institutions and establishing political arrangements. Basically, it seeks to approach the problems of society by reforming the individuals constituting that society and by suggesting some general principles through which the society can be guided towards greater humanism, improved welfare of its members, and more equitable sharing of resources.
There is a limit to the extent to which a political system can safeguard the happiness and prosperity of its people. No political system, no matter how ideal it may appear to be, can bring about peace and happiness as long as the people in the system are dominated by greed, hatred and delusion. In addition, no matter what political system is adopted, there are certain universal factors which the members of that society will have to experience: the effects of good and bad kamma, the lack of real satisfaction or everlasting happiness in the world characterized by dukkha (unsatisfactoriness),anicca (impermanence), and anatta (egolessness). To the Buddhist, nowhere in Samsara is therereal freedom, not even in the heavens or the world of Brahama.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Step after step

even though we are with the impression that life is flawless, it is actually a collection of carefully orchestrated steps. i overwhelmingly believe steps are chosen by us, may be we have not think through, but we took the decision to use and execute.
Not thinking through is the fact that lands us in trouble and it is the practice and habit we must excel upon. 
One of the main factors of that is the availability of time. yes time is constant and common to all, but we differ in capability of taking our time before taking a step. Due to many factors, time taken to decide upon a step to be taken.
in an homogeneous group of people, steps are identical. Same career goals, salary etc etc yet have we ever wondered some comfortably take the decision and some are not. if we are to go into the facts for such, then it is a whole new subject area, but this is the factor or phenomena that keep us divided. Some are achievable by effort, but some are privileged. even though it should be the other way round, normally the privileged get the cut long before the effort and justice kicks in.