Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Communication to People

Communication done to a group of people is not necessarily be applied into action or understanding that matter. it is because we are dealing herewith people.
1. People accept only the parts of the communication made which are compatible to their attitudes and beliefs.
2. if there is a part some does not accept as said above, then that part of the conversation tend to be distorted
    or changed.
3. people only remember the parts they accept and do not give that much importance to other parts he she
    does not accept.

Challenges of such should be identified in broad perspective with clear identification of the aspects. process of communication get difficult gradually.
1. Receivers in nature are very diversified in terms of culture, language and education
2. Technology is getting advanced daily with reference to communication which has reduced the time for send
    and responding to communication sent.
3. Due to evolving technology and expanded education possibilities people are more competent in
4. Further due to all above, people get overloaded with infomation and makes the whole processing of
    communication becomes a difficult task and often ends up uncompleted.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Business Communication a,b,c,d, ....

Communication is a life sustaining activity. true one can survive with it, yet keep the life moving it is essential to keep tap with things around you more importantly the people surrounds us. this does not mean that we tend to adopt a single method or criteria in having the communication flowing off, thus human tend to set different classifications or categories primarily based on the degree of closeness, sharing we want to keep with our correspondences. so basically we maintain different degrees of communication sets with entities we encounter in our day to day life. Way we do our communication with our family is quite different to the way we do with our office buddies or business partners. This is the basic concept i have tried to put up from the beginning.
What ever the communication we do, whether we have become successful in what we wanted to communicate depends on the effectiveness of the communication we made. effectiveness is not essential for casual communication.
Communication and its effectiveness becomes "super" important when the whole communication is about business. this gives rise to the whole new subject area of business communication. fundamentals of normal communication holds true for the business aspect as well. only the effectiveness aspect plays a greater role and somewhat necessary as well.
Effectiveness business communication consists of 3 simple aspects.
1. content
    - content should be relevant and be appealing to the related parties of the whole communication, who are the
       sender, receiver and other attached parties.
2. clarity
    - this is somewhat the effectiveness considered through out this. if the clarity is increased it will be
      understood by all the attached parties.
3. conciseness
    - effectiveness is further enhanced by the optimized body of content in the communication which is done. in
       that way it is free from redundant, unnecessary and misleading facts which will hamper the sole purpose of 
       the communication.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Quality is what we expected out of every thing. we expect our devices to work well, we expect quality amount of work is done during a given time. quality is basically the characteristic, the lifeline, what the outcome is made off. extent of the return its real benefits are the set up of the concept of quality.
Quality is profit, it is what it is of everything.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

TQM at aglance

currently working Total Quality Management theories at MSc. still at early stages yet will be posting some new thoughts!