Friday, December 30, 2011

End of a year

At the end of a year as of current use. even though i don't celebrate, elements around me, brace them selves for  anew beginning etc etc thus affecting my environment and my responses to it. beginning is always fresh. it gives you a new way of thinking and one would be more geared up for it.
if this is the scenario, then we should make every day new beginning. but how are we to find new things to do every day, when we are stuck with same old stuff we used to do ?
it is our way of thinking that should be changed. we should look at things differently at least to intervals of a day.
it is not easy as said, yet promising thing to follow and adopt.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Days with people

What people do should be overridden by what people really want to do. Often start things we often love to, like to do. we may not end up exactly the things we like to do yet, at least portion of it would be part of our likeness.
when the time goes on we move on. we move on to a level where it is just more than what you want to do, yet what you compelled to do. one get trapped to a box of what he or she is doing making any other way difficult or risky. with the fear of we will lose everything we have achieved, most of us will not take different avenue of carrier even we admire, know other types of exciting, more giving careers, work to be done exist.
if we decide to stay, will give returns at certain level, but do we know the exact amount of opportunity cost it carries, with relevant to other paths, avenues we would have taken.
this is not simple as it said or sounds. given the other choices we make in our lives, for the career i may have taken a calculated risk in order to get a piece of mind considering every thing going around.
Yet, the good question still remains large. we are not happy with our work, what we have to do. we don't like the people around and it takes our toll, but we stay and we change into another level of same career path and no change in the basic has happened.
we remain with two options. One discussed above, change the career path or doing things we like to do in parallel. consider we chose the second option then the trick is making sure that enough returns are generated that would not discourage us. that return not necessary be money but one should have a way of earning.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

People can be happy for many reasons. Personal accomplishments, family moments and accomplishment of any clique, group a person belongs to. Getting a promotion, ending up a project,being a hero in the office or in the neighborhood are great achievements. they stick by the true meaning of achievement  which is one should show and use effort in earning it.
How about the achievements one make as a man or a woman, that would be the ultimate goal of being born to the human world. why we have the less value for those, it is because they are given? or nobody give a damn about them.
In a world where old get revalued and implemented, is not this the time for giving the true value for those achievements as well.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Work is the bread for our survival. But often, we struggle to accept the fact yet most of the time in denial. Effects of unemployment should not be never tested unless a back up is there.
Handling the work, when we are told of to be trendsetters and problem solvers etc, is an erring experience when told environment is not given.
Not every one is a Steve Jobs, nor they will be. Designer, creator should prevail the "boss" in you. it is the driving and success factor for every ones life.
Handling your life and work is a must yet no definite methodologies are derived at. but we do it, most of the time at the expense of one, normally the life and family as they do love you for real.

Your family is the one normally gives up the time, opportunity for you. Should n't we reward them back more often ?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Communication to People

Communication done to a group of people is not necessarily be applied into action or understanding that matter. it is because we are dealing herewith people.
1. People accept only the parts of the communication made which are compatible to their attitudes and beliefs.
2. if there is a part some does not accept as said above, then that part of the conversation tend to be distorted
    or changed.
3. people only remember the parts they accept and do not give that much importance to other parts he she
    does not accept.

Challenges of such should be identified in broad perspective with clear identification of the aspects. process of communication get difficult gradually.
1. Receivers in nature are very diversified in terms of culture, language and education
2. Technology is getting advanced daily with reference to communication which has reduced the time for send
    and responding to communication sent.
3. Due to evolving technology and expanded education possibilities people are more competent in
4. Further due to all above, people get overloaded with infomation and makes the whole processing of
    communication becomes a difficult task and often ends up uncompleted.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Business Communication a,b,c,d, ....

Communication is a life sustaining activity. true one can survive with it, yet keep the life moving it is essential to keep tap with things around you more importantly the people surrounds us. this does not mean that we tend to adopt a single method or criteria in having the communication flowing off, thus human tend to set different classifications or categories primarily based on the degree of closeness, sharing we want to keep with our correspondences. so basically we maintain different degrees of communication sets with entities we encounter in our day to day life. Way we do our communication with our family is quite different to the way we do with our office buddies or business partners. This is the basic concept i have tried to put up from the beginning.
What ever the communication we do, whether we have become successful in what we wanted to communicate depends on the effectiveness of the communication we made. effectiveness is not essential for casual communication.
Communication and its effectiveness becomes "super" important when the whole communication is about business. this gives rise to the whole new subject area of business communication. fundamentals of normal communication holds true for the business aspect as well. only the effectiveness aspect plays a greater role and somewhat necessary as well.
Effectiveness business communication consists of 3 simple aspects.
1. content
    - content should be relevant and be appealing to the related parties of the whole communication, who are the
       sender, receiver and other attached parties.
2. clarity
    - this is somewhat the effectiveness considered through out this. if the clarity is increased it will be
      understood by all the attached parties.
3. conciseness
    - effectiveness is further enhanced by the optimized body of content in the communication which is done. in
       that way it is free from redundant, unnecessary and misleading facts which will hamper the sole purpose of 
       the communication.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Quality is what we expected out of every thing. we expect our devices to work well, we expect quality amount of work is done during a given time. quality is basically the characteristic, the lifeline, what the outcome is made off. extent of the return its real benefits are the set up of the concept of quality.
Quality is profit, it is what it is of everything.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

TQM at aglance

currently working Total Quality Management theories at MSc. still at early stages yet will be posting some new thoughts!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Smart Computing

Smart Computing, the next to be….
a) designed for date
     if data turned to information, they will be useful for the analytic. And no two words about the best that can happen to
     organisations on top of analytics.
     Systems should be able to connect, fetch and extract data seamlessly from different sources wherever the data residing,
     irrespective they are structured or not. Success of the computing system greatly depends on its capability to be on-line with data
     sources it can reach upon.
     Computing systems should be smart enough to integrate, manage, govern and analyse, different sources it is attached and give on
     a valuable feedback to the stakeholders.
b) managed in the cloud
      Cloud computing considers a smart computing technique due its capability to provide economies of scale. It is a suited solution for
      mainly small and medium industries as it reduces the capital expenditure but only the relatively low operational expenses. Further
      it opens up Software As A Service (SAAS), Platform As A Service (PAAS), Infrastructure As A Service (IAAS) concepts
      giving robust economies of scale models for organisations rendering services and good revenue models for service providers.
      User pay as he uses and supplier earn as he supplies
c) turned to the task
     it is the performance level organisation showcases the sustainability. Organisations should optimize the their activities such that
     they should meet their commitments plus efficient usage of their resources.
     Three aspects are considered.
     (1) consolidate the workloads
     (2) re-deploy existing workloads
     (3) deploy new workloads

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Driving Business Transformation

Transformation is a ever performed activity which the sustainable of the organisation solely depends on.
a) Industry Insight
b) Business IT alignment
c) Process re engineering
d) Technical Expertise
e) Innovation
f) Service delivery excellence
g) Globalisation

6 simple steps to social networking

1) Activate -  choose a social network and start working on it.
2) Connect - it is a market place, start connecting
3) Test - Role model, ask questions and learn by your self and from others
4) Innovative - share information, activities in terms of postings, audio and video and photos
5) Open up - be openly connect and share information or possibly benefits
6) Network - connect your friends with others. share all your friends' activities with other friends

Key Technology drivers

In present world, technology drives the world. but it is very much important to understand and identify the key areas of the technology that drives world.
a) Cloud Computing gives a new edge into the organisation. it is capability to cut down the capital expenditure of
    an organisation thus making it more generous for mainly small and medium organisations.
b) Green Technology
c) Mobility - Applications which can be activated in the mobile devices same as desktop or laptop would give
    the mobility to organisations in terms of business development.
d) Social Networks - this is a market place itself which is a more organised crowded one. market simply
    works on the strategy of growing of viral.
e) Information Management & Analytic s - Data is stupid but information is not. value and effectiveness out of
    data is given by analysis. greater the capability an organisation posses in analytic and information
    management,  will give the edge in predicting the future.