Changed seas, for my own good, with no vengeance. Outlook and demography is a lot different compared to my earlier stints, since i take time and effort to take on world and a living for my family. Fresh and constructive approach, keeps the upbeat of issueless and non-complicated life and life i can give to my family.
I hope i did not ask a lot or changed a lot, for not be old me and be new me. Old me, took a beating of a life time and took ample, unnecessary amount of time to realize he is getting beaten repeatedly. But you know something, nothing came bad, neither any much of good.
Learnt, learnt. you may think you have seen it, read it felt it. But it takes a real beating to figure out, how and what exactly be the feeling of the world to you and to your self only.
Life is a balance sheet, we expect to keep the assets and liabilities to notch that everything will stay intact and not falling apart.