People can be happy for many reasons. Personal accomplishments, family moments and accomplishment of any clique, group a person belongs to. Getting a promotion, ending up a project,being a hero in the office or in the neighborhood are great achievements. they stick by the true meaning of achievement which is one should show and use effort in earning it.
How about the achievements one make as a man or a woman, that would be the ultimate goal of being born to the human world. why we have the less value for those, it is because they are given? or nobody give a damn about them.
In a world where old get revalued and implemented, is not this the time for giving the true value for those achievements as well.
How about the achievements one make as a man or a woman, that would be the ultimate goal of being born to the human world. why we have the less value for those, it is because they are given? or nobody give a damn about them.
In a world where old get revalued and implemented, is not this the time for giving the true value for those achievements as well.