Smart Computing, the next to be….
a) designed for date
if data turned to information, they will be useful for the analytic. And no two words about the best that can happen to
organisations on top of analytics.
Systems should be able to connect, fetch and extract data seamlessly from different sources wherever the data residing,
irrespective they are structured or not. Success of the computing system greatly depends on its capability to be on-line with data
sources it can reach upon.
Computing systems should be smart enough to integrate, manage, govern and analyse, different sources it is attached and give on
a valuable feedback to the stakeholders.
b) managed in the cloud
Cloud computing considers a smart computing technique due its capability to provide economies of scale. It is a suited solution for
mainly small and medium industries as it reduces the capital expenditure but only the relatively low operational expenses. Further
it opens up Software As A Service (SAAS), Platform As A Service (PAAS), Infrastructure As A Service (IAAS) concepts
giving robust economies of scale models for organisations rendering services and good revenue models for service providers.
User pay as he uses and supplier earn as he supplies
c) turned to the task
it is the performance level organisation showcases the sustainability. Organisations should optimize the their activities such that
they should meet their commitments plus efficient usage of their resources.
Three aspects are considered.
(1) consolidate the workloads
(2) re-deploy existing workloads
(3) deploy new workloads